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cheesecake cherry jelly


360 min

Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly

Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 1


360 min


12 persons




4.00★ (1)

Author: Monica Feluchi

The cheesecake with cherry jelly is not only easy to cook, but it also contains skim cheese, which will not affect your weight. The cake is delicious, easy to cook and quite unusual. It looks and tastes great – hurry up to cook it right now!


  • oatmeal biscuits: 150 g (for the base)
  • offal: 30 g (for the base)
  • apple juice: 70 ml (for the base)
  • skim cheese: 600 g
  • vanillin: 1 pinch
  • lemon juice: 1 Tbsp
  • honey: 50 g
  • gelatin: 75 g (35 g for the jelly and 40 g for the curds)
  • yogurt: 200 ml
  • sugar powder: 50 g (30 g for the cream and 20 g for the curds)
  • water: 850 ml (550 ml for the cherry jelly and 300 ml for the gelatin)
  • cherry confiture: 6 Tbsp (for the jelly)
  • cream: 100 ml (30%)
  • mint: 10 g (fresh, for the decor)
  • cherry: 50 g (for the decor)

Metric Conversion

Stages of cooking

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  1. Mill the oatmeal biscuits, add offal and mix everything

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 2
  2. Add apple juice, mix everything once again and spread the base of the cheesecake on the round loose-base cake tin, which should be around 19.5 cm in diameter. Bake in the oven heated to 220 degrees for about 7-8 minutes. Leave the base for the cheesecake to cool down. 

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 3
  3. Now, let\'s cook the curds. With that purpose, blend the cheese, add lemon juice, honey, yoghurt, vanillin and powdered sugar. Stir the ingredients well

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 4
  4. Cover the gelatin with ½ part of hot water, stir until it dissolves and sift it

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 5
  5. Add the dissolved gelatin into the curds and stir the mixture well

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 6
  6. Put the curds into the loose-base cake tin and cover it with the food wrap

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  7. Place the bowl on the food wrap and put the glass can inside. Pour some water into the can so that the bottom of the bowl could not reach the mass. Put the form into the fridge until the curds sets pretty well

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 8
  8. Now, let’s cook cherry jelly. Cover gelatin with ½ part of hot water, stir it well until it dissolves and then sift it. Spoon cherry confitur into the bowl, add warm boiled water and stir everything once again. Add the dissolved gelatin, stir it well and let it cool down a bit

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 9
  9. Take the form with the curds away from the fridge, remove the can with water and the food wrap 

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 10
  10. Pour cool water with jelly confitur and gelatin inside the curds layer and place the form into the fridge again until it sets well

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 11
  11. Cool down the cream and whip it with the powdered sugar

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 12
  12. Remove the cheesecake from the tin, put it in the serving dish and decorate the dessert with whipped cream, fresh mint and cherry. The dessert will be so delicious and unique! Enjoy! 

    Cheesecake with Cherry Jelly Photo 13

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